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HID Troubleshooting: Flickering / One Side Working / Not Lighting up / Intermittent firing

Flickering: If both sides are flickering it can be caused by a few things. More than likely because the car can’t supply enough power to the ballasts on startup. You can check this by connecting the adapter cables on the bulbs to the battery with the bulb and ballast connector. If the kit fires up without any problems you will probably need a wiring harness. If your car has Daytime Running Lights (DRL) if could be caused by the car quickly turning the lights on and off to give the effect that the halogen bulbs are running at half power. If the flickering is caused by the DRL you can try a wiring harness or have the DRL disabled (NOTE: disabling the DRL may not be legal in all areas, check with local laws before doing so). The flickering can also be caused by the car’s self-check system to see if there is a working halogen bulb connected. This can typically be corrected with the bulb-out warning modules.

Neither light turns on: They is almost always a symptom of reversed polarity. This can be checked by reversing the connector on the input side of the ballast. It can also be tested by connecting the bulbs and ballasts and using the adaptor cables on the bulb to get power directly from the battery.

One side doesn’t light up: This could be caused by a bad bulb, ballast or wiring. The easiest way to check this is by swapping the bulb and ballast one at a time to the side that works to check that each component is functioning as it should.

Intermittent firing: If sometimes one side does not turn on or it takes multiple tries for the HIDs to turn on, you may have a power issue. We would recommend trying a wiring harness. This will allow you to wire the kit directly to the cars battery. Sometimes if you bump your fuse by 5amps that can help as well. If the problem stays with one particular side, we would recommend swapping the bulbs or ballast from left to right and see if the problem follows. If this is the case, you may have a bad bulb or ballast.
If you have the HID Harness installed and are still getting intermittent firing, double check your power and ground cables. Make sure the terminal is touching the "threaded" part of the bolt and not just the head of the bolt.